The Secret Handshake
See ..
Money you gain
Your friends have to gain too.
set the power away from respect.
You get me yet?
Business culture rated,
Dealers want you to sign,time, & dated
No different accusation
."with a shrug"
We want you to feel obligated
Grant it ..
We can manage
Don't want you to feel hated
Lets grow a tree,and plant it.
Now we need competition ..
Just an art of vision
Exercise on making better decisions
Are we winning?
Improving better business
A book for composition
Was it written ?
I'm saying, are you doing plagiarism?
No idea is original just a cliche
You see where I'm getting with this?
A men to a man is like prey.
can I get a witness
Amen to a man that pray
Can I get a witness
Lets get back to business
Lets show em how we can beat the system
Just don't break the codes of Honor..
Lord have mercy !
..Don't break the prism